The 2013 Vasa Cross Country Running Festival will kick off on June 23. 5,000 participants from home and abroad will gather together in Jingyuetan, Changchun. The organizing committee selected … volunteers from many walks of life to ensure that the festival can run smoothly.
Sun Xiaohan, a sophomore from Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Language Institute, expressed his enthusiasm in joining the volunteer team.
Q: What are your responsibilities as a volunteer in the 2013 Vasa Running Festival?
A: I’m doing logistic work here.
Q: Why do you want to be a volunteer for this year’s festival?
A: I want to help others because it makes me feel satisfied.
Q: Do you have any similar experiences as a volunteer?
A: I have volunteered several times for different activities, such as last year’sVasa Running Festival.
Q: What is your greatest feeling as a volunteer?
A: Although it’s tiring, I get a lot of joy in doing it. I am very satisfied.
Q: Can you comment on 2013 Vasa Running Festival?
A: It’s a good opportunity for youths from both countries to engage in cultural exchange.